How to Keep Any Bathroom Organized

June 11, 2024 /
Organized Bathroom Accessories

We talked about the advantages of having a small kitchen to help you stay organized and reduce clutter, but what about keeping an organized bathroom? It’s common for people to have a cluttered bathroom, with messy counters, overcrowded and disorganized cabinets, and even soaps, shampoos, and loofahs hanging around the bathtub. But, even if you…

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DIY Gardens for Your Apartment

February 27, 2024 /
DIY Apartment Garden Example

Usually, people who live in apartments often have a few tiny plants hanging around in pots on windowsills or after magically finding some floor space, but decide against bigger plants or more than a few that might take up too much space. However, a little space is all that you need to have an amazing…

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DIY: Christmas Tree Alternatives for Small Spaces

November 29, 2016 /
Alternative Christmas Tree For Small Spaces

Thanksgiving has passed, which means it’s time to start preparing for Christmas. You reminisce on every year that your family carried in that gigantic Christmas tree ready for you to decorate with candy canes and ornaments, but then you take a look around your small apartment and realize you don’t have the space to carry…

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Start A New Thanksgiving Tradition With These DIY Projects

November 18, 2016 /
DIY Thanksgiving Day Cards

With Thanksgiving around the corner, families and friends will gather around the table to show reverence and share a wonderful feast. Tradition is great, but even with the younger generations now getting older, new traditions must be made. While going around the table expressing your gratitude to your family is special, making a personal Thanksgiving…

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DIY: Small Halloween Decorations

October 10, 2016 /

Decorating for Halloween can be challenging when you live in a small apartment. Participating in those neighborhood competitions of “who has the scariest house” or “who has the largest Halloween decorations,” and most of the time, entertaining trick-or-treaters is out of the question. But, having a small apartment does not mean the end to your…

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